The Biggest Lip Sync Fails
The entire idea of a live performance is at odds with the concept of lip syncing. However, many musicians have been caught red-handed with their microphone off and the words still coming out loud and clear. Although it does seem that how you handle the situation will determine how well you recover and whether or not fans will forgive you afterwards.
Katy Perry at the NRJ Music Awards
Now you know it’s a big one when you actually can’t find any footage online for the big blooper and she was caught lip syncing at an awards show that was being filmed and broadcast live. The diva was in the middle of a performance of Roar when the host of the French music awards had to step in and stop her. It was so bad that he just couldn’t watch it anymore.
Later on in the evening, Perry took to the stage and sang the song live – proving that she really could do it. Ultimately, the organisers of the awards show shouldered the blame for what happened. They said they experienced technically difficulties that led to the misadventure.
Britney Spears at the Video Music Awards
Poor Britney Spears went through a hell of a time in the mid-2000s. She had the mental health scare, a very public breakdown and then the MTV Video Music Awards in 2007. That was one of the moments that the world will remember forever. However, most of us seem to have completely come to terms with the fact that she doesn’t sing live, but that she is as good at entertaining as playing Online Roulette NZ, so we still love her. The biggest problem with this performance wasn’t actually the bad lip syncing, it was the fact that she wasn’t even making up for it by dancing.
Milli Vanilli at Club MTV
Where to even start with this dance-pop duo… It turns out that they actually had to lip sync their live performances because they never even sang on their recorded albums. No one actually knows what it would sound like if Rob and Fab sang one of their supposed songs. The whole story came out at a live performance at Club MTV back in 1989. They were ‘singing’ Girl You Know It’s True when the record began skipping, exposing the truth of their inability to sing. The pair disappeared off stage very quickly after they realised what was going on.
Iron Maiden on P.I.T.
Lip syncing may be most common in the pop world, where singers are expected to dance and move continuously on top of being experts in the vocal arena. However, even rock bands come up against the dreaded phenomenon. Iron Maiden once performed on the German television show P.I.T. and were told by the producers that they would only be pretending to play. This obviously wasn’t rock and roll enough for the group, and Bruce Dickinson decided to start having some fun. He started swapping instruments and generally just having fun on set, all the while the music carried on playing.
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